Google presents Monday in New Delhi the first smartphones under Android One system for the Indian market. The price of these smartphones around $ 105, just over 80 euros in its new strategy to seize this emerging market.
The new strategy is aimed at technological "5.000 million people still do not have a 'smartphone', the vast majority of the world population," noted Google. Currently these phones only available in India, Indonesia and the Philippines. The vice president of Android, Chrome and Google Apps, Sundar Pichai, of Indian origin, present new phones in the nation's capital.
A few hours after the presentation of the new terminal powered by Google, trade 'on line' Flipkart hanging on its website the list of this new phone, as reported The Times of India, to remove it shortly after.
The mobile "leaked" with a slightly higher price recommended by Google, went on sale for 6,999 rupees (89 euros). Among the minimum characteristics required by its creator, the terminal runs a quad-core processor 1.3GHz MediaTek and has 1 GB of RAM.
The phone was announced by the Spice Android Flipkart One Dream, which features 5 megapixel rear camera and a 2 megapixel rear camera with which to demonstrate its definition on a screen of 4.5 inches. Your operating system, how could it be otherwise, KitKat is Android 4.4.4.
The Mountain View company introduced in June last Google IO your Android One. Hardware new mobile program is produced by Indian developers Micromax, Karbonn and Spice and Taiwanese MediaTek. Although it seems that the key to the expansion of Android One project is in collaboration with other local developers to keep the price of your mobile 'low cost'.
India, with more than 1,200 million people, is also the country of birth of the officer of Google, one of the fastest growing markets in the market for smartphones, although only 10% of the population has a smartphone, according to Reuters.
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