Robin Thicke revealed that spent a lot of time drugged and drunk to defend a charge of plagiarism: Marvin Gaye's family says the singer was inspired by the song "Got to Give it Up" to create
the hit "Blurred Lines".
In Justice, Thicke said he consumed a lot of alcohol and Vicodin when your Pharrel Williams worked on that song. "The reality is that Pharrell did the beat and he wrote almost all parts of 'Blurred Lines'" said the Californian.
The problem of his words is the. In an interview with GQ, Thicke said: "Pharrell and I were in the studio and I said one of my favorite songs of all time was" Got to Give it Up "Marvin Gaye was like 'we should do something. something with that groove. '"
What was the response of the singer? Talking again defended their addictions. "I was drugged and drunk in every interview I did last year," he said.
"Every day, I get up and had to take a Vicodin to start and then had to fill with vodka bottle of water. That took before and during the interviews," he revealed.
Now, says he is off drugs and alcohol: "I was sober in the last two months ... When your wife leaves you, you have a good reason to stop drinking."
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