The first gay wedding in Tulum is concrete: Airali and marry Molly Ann

After winning an injunction before a collegiate tribunal, Airali Fuentes, Nueva Rosita, Coahuila and Molly Ann, Tennessee, USA, were married Tuesday morning before a judge of the civil registration of Tulum. 

According to groups that defend gay rights, gay marriage is the third occurring in Quintana Roo, Tulum the first, where the authorities had refused to celebrate the union, considering that it does not correspond to the traditional concept of marriage consisting of man and woman. 

However, an interpretation of the law in Quintana Roo opened this possibility since the quintanarroense law marriage is defined as the union "two people" and not accurate, as elsewhere, is "between a man and a woman ". 

  "We are happy that we can start our love, without worrying; and we are pleased that we can share with the community and the state of Quintana Roo, as they have opened the doors, "said Fuentes Airali 35 years of age. 

To accompany the couple on Wednesday of last week, Virginia Airali- -sister of her husband and her daughters traveled from Texas to attend the wedding. 

"I'm happy for her, because it marked a turning point in the history of this city, to make other people in the same situation, can also realize his dream to marry and have the same rights as a heterosexual couple" , Virginia said. 

"It is not fair if we all live on the same planet they can not do what a man and a woman, just because society still does not understand that is normal, we are all equal, we feel the same love, no matter the color, sex, religion or whatever, "he said Virginia.


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