National symbol of Mexico, at risk of disappearing

One of the Mexican national symbols, the golden eagle is in danger of disappearing in the country and only 101 productive pairs are counted. 

In the United States there are still 10,000 pairs, but in Mexico the species is threatened by industrial development, hunting, falconry and ecotourism, according to experts. 

The government is carrying out the Programme of Action for the Conservation of Species (PACE) for the golden eagle, but so far has not succeeded. 

die electrocuted 
The national coordinator of PACE for the species, Felipe Lozano biologist at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, said that the greatest threat to the species in Mexico is mining. 

"There is a risk, very imminent extinction. There are different threats affecting their populations, but the main one is the modification of habitat by human activities, one of them, mining" alert. 

"The country is quite strong this industry and is encroaching nesting areas, such as mountains," says the expert. 

Also considered that the electrical infrastructure, placing towers and pylons, has caused die copies electrocuted. 

Symbol of power 
In ancient times, the golden eagle was the symbol of courage and power because of its strength, size and inaccessibility of their nests. 

The golden eagle is the star of the national emblem of Mexico, which appears perched on a cactus devouring a snake, a symbol that refers to the foundation of Mexico-Tenochtitlan to 1325. 

In Greek and Roman mythology soon became one of the symbols of Zeus, king of the gods, and quickly replaced as the bearded head and fearsome claws tap. 

the data 

The scientific name is the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos. 
The Golden Eagle Hunting from the air thanks to its strong legs ending in well-developed claws, hooked, great strength and peak velocity. 
Golden eagles are usually paired for life.


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