A Pemex 83% of areas for exploitation

The Energy Secretariat (Sener) determined assign Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) 83 percent of the areas for exploitation of proven and probable reserves volumes covering the total requested by the company, but only 21 percent of prospective resources hydrocarbons. 

Sener said Wednesday the results of the zero round the stage in which they are assigned work areas for Pemex before to be offered to private companies. Thus, Petróleos Mexicanos obtained 83 percent of the proved and probable reserves that were requested last March 31. 

Energy Secretary, Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, said Pemex will thereby exploiting thousand 600 million barrels of oil, allowing you to ensure its development and maintaining a production of 2.5 million barrels per day over a period of 20 years. It is expected that between 2015 and 2018 oil investments channeled around 50 billion dollars. 

Thus, the now productive state enterprise keeps the exploration areas and fields that are in production, keeping 20 thousand 600 million barrels of oil equivalent in proven and probable reserves, also called '2P' 'equivalent to one hundred percent of the volume of reservations requested. 21 percent of prospective resources that will keep the oil represent a potential of 23 thousand 500 million barrels of crude oil. 

The Director General of Petróleos Mexicanos, Emilio Lozoya, said that with these results, the viability of the company in the short and medium terms is assured and the basis for the development of long-term oil down, which continue to be a central actor expansion of the energy industry in Mexico. With direct assignments Pemex production stability is guaranteed at competitive costs, he said. 

He later said that Pemex will partner with private companies in 10 projects that were assigned to the zero round. He said that these 10 projects were grouped into four packages, which include mature fields (three terrestrial and three marine), extra heavy oil fields, development of gas and deep water. These projects involve thousand 556 million barrels of reserves' 2P '' else as a result of competition in the deepwater fields in the area of ​​Perdido in the Gulf of Mexico. 

An investment of 32 thousand 285 million dollars in horizons ranging from 5 to 10 years, depending on each project is estimated. This investment is in addition to comprehensive contracts and financed public works, all of which represent 44 billion dollars. This is expected to apply a total investment of 76 billion dollars in the first five years, bringing the partnership contracts mean little more than 4 thousand 100 million dollars annually in additional net investment. 

Lozoya said that considering Pemex investment in exploration and production of about 25 billion dollars a year, 'these 10 partnership proposals alone will increase investment in the oil industry by 16 percent'. 

For his part, Undersecretary of Hydrocarbons of Sener, Lourdes Melgar, said that 'Petróleos Mexicanos may participate in the following rounds of contracts and direct assignments granted the State'. With this resolution, the company is located in fifth place in terms of proven reserves, down from Brazil's Petrobras, but above -company Total headquartered in France, said the undersecretary Melgar Palacios. 

In turn, Juan Carlos Zepeda, president of the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) reported that round one will start immediately with the approach with business and industry in the third week of November and prebases areas to be determined tenders to commercial and tax each block terms. 

Round one, along with strategic partnerships Pemex after direct allocation round zero, 50 percent increase in investment in exploration and production. He explained that once the project contracts are defined in the remainder of 2014 and next 2015, around 12 billion dollars a year will be added to the $ 25 billion spent on average Pemex investment. 

Sener explained that in round one 156 blocks were offered, of which 96 correspond to 60 exploration and extraction plans. The blocks cover an area of ​​28 thousand 500 kilometers. Of this total, 91 percent going to exploration areas and the remaining 9 percent extraction fields. 

Proved and probable reserves ('2P') and prospective resources represent bid 3000 a volume of 14 thousand 782 and 606 million barrels of oil equivalent, respectively. It is expected that these projects represent annual investments of approximately 8000 $ 500 million between 2015 and 2018. 

Pemex can transfer comprehensive exploration and production contracts (CIEP) and financed public works (COPF) to new forms of contracts for exploration and production. With this, the government seeks better alignment of incentives between the oil company and its contractors for best results. According to Sener, contractors with good performance may have access to better economic conditions without affecting the balance of expected revenue. 


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