9 out of 10 Mexicans on social networks; Facebook favorite

93.9 percent of Mexican Internet users is registered, at least one social network to maintain communication with friends and as a working tool and entertainment. 

51.2 million users were recorded in the second quarter of this year, 48.1 million are registered to a social network consulting firm and market research The Competitive Intelligence Unit (CIU) reported. 

Consulting firm and market research states that most social networks in Mexico are adopting Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram; 95 percent of internet users are subscribed to the social network of Mark Zuckerberg. 

The age range with the highest number of users is 10 to 35 years, accounting for 78.1 percent of Internet subscribers in a social network, and this percentage decreases significantly with increasing age. 

Young people between 21 and 25 years are what have greater insight into social platforms, because only two percent do not have networking profile. 

The user distribution by socioeconomic status in all strata have similar penetration, which identifies the role "democratization of social networks," but C + socioeconomic status is the highest with 98.31 percent penetration. 

Several mobile operators begin to use access to social platforms as a business strategy to increase the number of subscribers by offering access to certain networks "free" way of its consumer packs. 

Access to social networks is important for consumers who can now be exploited by mobile operators in hiring factor.


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