Luis Buñuel was born in Calanda, on January 22, 1900 As he was still very young the family moved to Zaragoza, where Louis would attend his first studies in Corazonistas, then the association of El Salvador of the PP. Jesuits, finishing his education at the institute. The family spent summers in Calanda, the landscape, both men and customs were to influence the person and work of the filmmaker.
Completed high school, Luis Buñuel moved to Madrid, where he lived in the Student Residence of the Free Institution of Education. Intended, paternal indication agronomist done, but never enter school. While in residence he struck a handful of critical friends: Federico García Lorca, who always remember with barely contained emotion; with Salvador Dalí, Pepin Bello, José María Hinojosa, Alberti .
In the early days of his stay in Paris, Buñuel, degree in history from the University of Madrid, it has decided its way but it was the film 'Der Tod move' by Fritz Lang, which revealed its true vocation, the filmmaker.
He then enrolled at the Academy of Film Jean Epstein, because I wanted to be an actor, but ended up as assistant director to Epstein and other directors
'Un Chien Andalou', shot with Salvador Dali in 1928, devoted to him immediately: the movie, vigorously adopted by the surrealist André Breton group acaudilla obtains an unthinkable success
The end of the Civil War means exile. Buñuel up to the United StatesThese were years of frustration, incredible strength: such that thinks Buñuel film and leave to go into teaching. Fortunately it did not, and when the Mexican producer Oscar Danciguer called from Mexico to direct 'Big Casino', eventually settling there with his wife, Jeanne Rucar, and his two sons, Jean Louis and Rafael
Luis Buñuel's tall, manly, awkward. Looks like a boxer. The way you dress and walk makes remind Trotsky, the genius of the Russian revolution, now fallen from grace of 'condottieri' Soviets. When apostrophizes more violence and wants to be fierce gesture, his eyes shows a halo of innate goodness, deep sympathy for all the wounds that afflict humanity, the fundamental reason for their rebellion.
We have found a discreet and friendly office with her mother, reading a book about Freud, the psychologist of the century . And the conversation has been specifically set on one point: 'Un Chien Andalou'
I wish you a revelation has told Luis Bunuel: The film does not interest me; What's more, I hate it with all the vibrations of my being.
'I leave you confused, bewildered; but is it possible? I thought I saw you, in their restlessness, in their enthusiasm, fervent in love with this young art, so full of possibilities for the future and even the present.
-¡Pues Wrong! The film was a need in my life; but this illusion vanished a long time ago. The first three years I lived in Paris I joined the main studies of the capital as assistant 'metteur en scene'. Fervently worked thirteen and fourteen hours a day, lively desire to dominate the cinematic art
'And what chance was due which you dedicate to cultivate this discipline?
-Leave Watch a movie then deeply interested me and now makes me nauseous. He had formed the firm intention of being 'metteur en scene'. But this means little detail. He said that the film does not interest me to cultivate art as such. Now ...
I'm interested as a means to revolutionize the ways to contribute to this great work of social transformation. The technical aspect of cinema is indifferent to me and I am concerned only human. This can already be called surrealism, surrealism as they say in France. We go to the scandal with all its consequences.
-¿Al Scandal?
Yes; the scandal; but not to artistic, because after 1909 it can not exist, but the moral outrage that is to revolutionize the bad habits of a society that is in open conflict with Nature. 'Un Chien Andalou' is thus a rebellious gesture, an uproar, a subversive reason.
-¿Una Surrealist manifestation?
Exactly. The film is intimately superrealista and would not exist if there were no surrealism.
That is precisely what advocates Azorin.
-¡De No way! Azorin's an idiot, if I lived in Paris since he'd been kicked sovereign.
-Bretón, One of the figures meant surrealism, defined as follows: "The surrealism is a psychic automatism able to repay their actual functioning of thought."
Freudian Theory of atmosphere.
-Indeed. In Freud lies a large part of the rationale of surrealism, which replaced the French Dada, by the acerbic host your ideals a broad vision of a better society, with all its well-defined gears. The concept of 'Un Chien Andalou' is therefore a response to that mental state, to which I referred earlier. If you me why the characters do what they do ask, I will answer that they can not do anything else Title to it can not be another, though it seems absurd.
And yet, once you have completed the screening, the audience discusses shouts. Some interpret it one way and others say something that differs essentially from the judgment of others.
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