The actor posted on his Twitter account several screens pointing possibly contracted salmonellosis
The actor Kuno Becker was admitted this afternoon apparently by a salmonellosis.
Through his Twitter account he thanked those who have wished him a speedy recovery and recalled that in the cinema is the most current "Panic 5 Bravo" tape.
"The good 'PANIC 5 BRAVO CONTINUES incredible evil' That gave me a possible salmonella blood sacadera !!!" he wrote.
In a last image who also star in the film "Goal", Mexico sent greetings to his supporters.
The actor Kuno Becker was admitted this afternoon apparently by a salmonellosis.
Through his Twitter account he thanked those who have wished him a speedy recovery and recalled that in the cinema is the most current "Panic 5 Bravo" tape.
"The good 'PANIC 5 BRAVO CONTINUES incredible evil' That gave me a possible salmonella blood sacadera !!!" he wrote.
In a last image who also star in the film "Goal", Mexico sent greetings to his supporters.
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