What happened in these days of fighting?
Hamas and other terrorist organizations began with the missile launch on June 12. Four weeks ago they kidnapped and murdered three young Israelis and June 30 attack is much intensified to the point of forcing the Government of Israel to believe that there could not tolerate that 75% of its population was under constant attack from missiles. In the last 24 hours going over 200 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel.
What triggered this crash, after nearly a year and a half of peace?
Hamas is an organization that wants to destroy the State of Israel, it is stipulated in its ideological platform and does everything possible to achieve it. That in many instances these events are not in the news, does not mean they are not presented. They constantly resume terror. One of these attempts was the culminating precisely with the kidnapping of three young Israelis. Along with this they began to fire from the Gaza Strip.
How long will last the bombing?
Depends on Hamas. Hamas was the one who started climbing, it is he who is firing on Israel committing war crimes. Until Hamas stops firing, it will continue this operation. This is a constant struggle against terrorist organizations.
How to stop violations of international humanitarian law?
We make phone calls to Palestinian families and pamphlets to throw them away from the premises of the terrorists. Just attack the infrastructure of terror, as platforms from which attacking Israel.
Is it possible that there is a ground incursion from Israel?
Hopefully this will not be given and that Hamas, for our pressure and international pressure, stop shooting; until they do, we will continue with our operation, hoping to not have to use the ground force.
What person or government can be a mediator?
In this type of conflict the United States and Egypt are natural mediators. I hope this ends as soon as possible to avoid further damage to our people.
What has to happen for that endpoint is set to spill blood?
This is an ongoing conflict, in which one party (Hamas) want to exterminate a state. And on the other side there is a people (Israel) who wants to live and wants to defend. One problem is the hatred towards Israel, the product of a constant incitement of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Muslim and Arab religious leaders against Israel.
"We are about to reach a catastrophe" chief Palestinian mission
What happened in these days of fighting?
The Israeli military offensive has caused deaths of children, women and old people and destroyed dozens of homes.
What triggered this crash, after nearly a year and a half of peace?
This began with a desire for Israel to end the national reconciliation agreement between the two main parties in Palestine: Al Fatah and Hamas; latter that controls the Gaza Strip. This reconciliation does not suit you to the State of Israel.
Israel took the death of three young Israelis in the West Bank to begin their offensive against the political wing of Hamas. That was answered by some groups in the West Bank by launching rockets. But before that Israel had already killed more than fifteen Palestinians were arrested bombings and Palestinian parliamentarians. We are about to reach a human catastrophe.
How long will last the bombing?
While there is occupation and violence, there will always be an answer, and that answer will always be classified as terrorism or as legitimate defense of a people being busy. Until the Palestinian people to enjoy their freedom and independence and live in peace, you will always do violence.
Is it possible that there is a ground incursion from Israel?
When the offensive begins it will be a disaster. You sent the message to leave the house, because it will start entering by land. Right now the human situation is disastrous. Hospitals no room, no single power plant, the aqueduct has been destroyed, like the sewage treatment plant. Unemployment reaches 85%. More and more offensive attacks will turn into a disastrous situation.
What person or government can be a mediator?
USA. This country has an obligation to do so, and it has to be the most important ally of Israel, is the one who supplied the weapons that are killing our people. Have a moral obligation to the European Union, the United Nations and Egypt, a brother government. We hope that Colombia and Latin America to join efforts to end this war.
What has to happen for that endpoint is set to spill blood?
Israel must understand that through violence and repression is not going to amount to anything, that the Palestinian people are fighting for their freedom and independence more than 67 years ago. You must understand that there has been or with molten lead, or the defense pillar, with nothing going to be able to end the Palestinian people. Israel should talk seriously with the Palestinian National Authority, reaching a peace agreement. Once that happens, there will be no more wars.
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