Everyone approved(THE news of the tougher conditions to justify a failing a student You really surprised you)

THE news of the tougher conditions to justify a failing a student You really surprised you? To me of course not. Let us remember; in February 2013 jumped to the news media that the Provincial Delegation of Seville approved two courses a student and granted him the title of graduate High School. I reflected on the issue in an opinion piece published in Granada Today (March 2, 2013, p.4,? Duty to study). I fear repeating the arguments, but whatever applied 12 criteria, ask 16 20 reports, the underlying issue is the same. 

I'm not sure I surprised teachers. There are few cases of those shipments approved, although a final exam appear blank, even if the student has demonstrated by active and passive you want to know anything of that matter or generally want to know anything about staying in education or on opportunities that teaching and education offers. 

The political authorities of teaching and education are very clear, to further adieu, the more paperwork more likely to find a fault and cancel the rating. Please the parent and / or guardian and step up the pass rate and better for the system and data then appear in ineffable educational surveys, it is just that and nothing more than that. Do not look for other explanations. 

The union kicking on the authority of teachers does not surprise me but it comes very, very late. We have a whole generation (the generation GLSES in 1990 onwards) giving the approval, pitying the poor children who are very stressed, putting hot diapers, advising teenagers to not stressed in selectivity, opening classrooms with heating and air conditioning to study the maximum comfort; but you of effort, excellence of work or do not talk because then you are a retro, a fascist, a dictator, a bad teacher, a repressor. And now what "cool Mogollon" is to teach the "learning to learn". Ironically, almost sarcastic, working with students that competition whose basic objective is to not let anyone learn or teach the course teacher leave ... ya, ya, ya my daddy will put a claim. We have a generation at the University admitting hundreds of students no longer astonish us by their lack of knowledge, also, but their lack of attitude toward the desire for knowledge, his attitude to learn. 

I can not be surprised when such news a few years ago my dear financing public company, UNI is marked, in some respects, the pass rate, or yield, or whatever you call it. In Castilian plain: that many many euros approved; and if not, you're a bad teacher you do not recycle, you're not on the latest technologies. Nothing surprises me if a generation ago, or more, than the effort in education is seen with perverse look with spite. Telling someone they could not study X was put barriers, not enter the UNI was to be a fascist shit was repressing the child of the workers. I would like to see the union kicking accession numbers of "ones" studies and "other" studies. No more than 200 of some, we are worth 1000 and many other sites. I know I repeat, as education authorities are repeated in their attempts to lower rates of reprobates. Nothing new under the sun education. The effort is frowned upon in the classroom. 

The effort seems only fair in sport. It seems that anyone can be graduated, but not everyone can be a champion. If everyone had as clear as Rafael Nadal Parera the issue would otherwise. The nine-time champion of Roland Garros rejected a university academic award because it did not consider training have merit such an honor and just thanked him, no thanks. Scholars who are students for merit, I'm not. It is an example to follow. 

But in this country that's extraordinary. Is approved to whoever works?, No thanks, we reward the tantrum, anger, easy banner. And in the next school report you will see how well it will us. Fool yourself is easy. You know, one always adopted merit and always suspended because of the teacher.


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