Tomorrow begins the fifth edition of Movistar Campus Party 2014 will be held for the first time in Zapopan, Jalisco, as the host city, from 24 to 29 June.
Among the most important series of events highlights the keynote with Paul Zaloom, the scientific program "Beakman's World"; Grant Imahara, principal partner of "Mythbusters" program; Marc Randolph, founder of Netflix; Blake Irving, CEO of Go Daddy, Blanca Treviño, President of Softtek and Nathan Schulhof, father and creator of the MP3 Industry; among others
One of the activities of most interest to buffs will be the "Irongeek", in which 10 000 500 campuseros involved in this technology fair will showcase their skills and knowledge to win the title geek of the year, is detailed in a statement.
"Campus Party 2014 Movistar aims to become the epicenter of venture together with support from the National Institute of Entrepreneurship (INADEM) and with the celebration of Wayra Demo Day, a panel presentation during which 10 Mexican entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to show their technology project investors to find resources. "
Another of the highlights of this edition of Campus Party Movistar will be the "Startups & Makers Camp" where they have selected 100 Mexican startups that will have mentoring, conferences, and networking approach to accelerating and "Marathons business" which have been selected 20 ideas in each of these areas, e-commerce, digital culture, educational innovation, entrepreneurship and citizen health and technology, they will have the opportunity to develop a business plan and present it to investors.
Hector Robles, Mayor of Zapopan, Jalisco, said: "Zapopan is the most promising town in western Mexico and one of the districts where more innovation and entrepreneurship in the country in technology and startups is generated, and is that in the recent years, Government, Private Sector, Academia and Society, we have worked together to strengthen the young talent. "
Francisco Caballero, Director of Corporate Communications, Telefonica Mexico, said that attendees will enjoy an Internet connection up to 30 Gbps, speed navigation up to 30 thousand times faster than the average connection in Mexico City.
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